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Brand New Start by Mainak Dhar is your map to choosing a career that aligns with your dream job




Before going to bed I say to myself, "Every day is a Brand New Start. No matter how hard my day was, I can always begin again." This ritual has helped me sleep well and when I wake up in the morning, I am ready to start fresh.

Brand New Start by Mainak Dhar is not about having a good night's sleep, but it is your map to choosing a career that aligns with your dream job. Have you ever in your life stopped on the road and asked a local to help you find the address?

I do it all the time. Whenever I visit a new place, I ask people walking past me to help me find the address. They show me the way, and it makes my journey easier.

You must be wondering why the hell is Salis talking about finding an address in a book review post. Well! there is a relation. This book is about personal branding and is largely aimed at younger employees, those still on campus or early in their careers.

Imagine, the address is your Dream Job. You are looking for the address and there comes a point in your journey where you have to select a path. Let's say there are three roads - one going ahead, one going right, and one left.

You stopped, wondering which road to choose. Then you see Mainak Dhar, standing in front of your car just like a genie.

He asks you a couple of questions and voila, you now know the path to your dream job. But! Wait a minute. What if you are not new in your career. Is this book right for you?

Yes! it is. Let me show you how it can help you.

Let's say you are someone like me with more than 9 years of experience, someone who is already on a path, and moving towards an address. But, you are not sure if the address you are chasing is the correct address.

Then what do you do? Read this book. Why?

Because it will help you find the reason why you choose this path and will either motivate you to continue going forward or will open your eyes and guide you towards your new address.

The last couple of months for me have been amazing financially, but I was not happy because I was not doing the things that I wanted to do. Before reading this book, I was procrastinating on the idea of chasing my dream job of running a successful magazine that covers not only books but also other important elements of our lives like entertainment and food. But after reading this book, I am back to my senses and working on achieving what I initially wanted to do in life.

There are a million things that you can learn from it and I would highly recommend it to everyone who wants to become successful and happy one day. So, go ahead and buy this book from Amazon before it gets too late.




An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad with 25 years of experience in blue-chip multinationals, Mainak is the CEO of a multinational firm for India and South Asia. His passions outside of work are family, writing, and fitness.

Mainak is a bestselling author with over 15 books to his credit and holds a black belt in karate.

Among all the hats that he wears, he considers his most important role to be the best possible husband and father he can be.




Brand New Start empowers and equips young employees to fast-start their careers by unlocking the X factor of their personal brand.

Studying in college or business school and wondering what it takes to land your dream job?

Early in your career and wondering how to set yourself up for success?

Feeling off-track after just a couple of years of working and wondering how to find an opportunity that fits you better?

If you find yourself nodding to any of these questions, then this is the book for you. Brand New Start teaches you that a lot of success at the start of your career hinges on how well you understand, articulate, and present the most important brand you can work on.


Combining the wisdom and experience of a CEO gained over two and a half decades in the corporate world with the accessible and engaging storytelling of a bestselling novelist, Brand New Start is a unique book.

It will make you reflect, smile, rethink some things you've taken for granted, and ultimately equip you with practical advice on how to build a more authentic, more compelling, and more differentiated personal brand as a cornerstone of your career success.


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